Filial Family Therapy

What is Filial Family Therapy?
💡It is a unique therapeutic method that involves parent directly as the therapeutic agent of change.
💡 Parents are trained and supervised by trained filial therapist to communicate with their children in ‘play’ by using basic play therapy skills.
💡 Parents will then use these basic therapeutic skills to conduct a regular 30 minutes ‘special play time’ with their children.
💡 This approach has been used successfully in many families and children with different issues: oppositional behaviour, depression, anxiety, abuse, single parenting, trauma, neglect, attachment, relationship problem, chronic illness (e.g. ASD), family substance abuse, devoice, adoption and so on.
To Children
✔️ Ability to self-regulate and comply with limits
✔️ Ability to understand and express their needs, experience and feelings
✔️ Develop positive self-concept and self-esteem
✔️ Ability to build and maintain social relationship
✔️ Develop confidence in decision making
✔️ Develop capacity for empathy, forgiveness and gratitude
✔️ Promote success in school and family life
✔️ Promote success in one’s committed relationship
To Parents / Caregivers
✔️ Enhance parent-child relationship
✔️ Develop open communication with your children throughout their childhood and adolescence
✔️ Decrease parental stress and anxiety
✔️ Improve family relationship
✔️ Improve reflective skills and enable positive personality change
🏷️ Individual session fees varies.
🏷️ Group sessions might be available at times.
🏷️ Self-managed/Plan-managed NDIS welcome. Please contact us for more details.