Empowering Parents Through Emotional Intelligence and Positive Communication用情绪智慧与正向沟通赋能父母

Empowering Parents Through Emotional Intelligence and Positive Communication用情绪智慧与正向沟通赋能父母

在2023年5月20日的上午,我们举办了一场名为 “解决拖拉问题,善用情绪智慧”的公益讲座。本次讲座特别为华人家长量身打造,参与者中包括一位社工和心理学家 Iris H。活动旨在通过实践性的沟通策略,帮助家长提升孩子的学习动力和执行力。
1.    认识语言的力量
2.    互动演示
o    用玛利欧玩偶展示孩子内在动力的大小。
o    用积木代表语言,演示不同沟通方式对结果的影响。
o    邀请家长参与“语言练习”,用可视化的方式学习正向沟通技巧。
3.    认知、行为与感受的关系
心理学家Iris H对讲座赞不绝口,并主动邀请Helen开展下一期讲座。还有家长在家直接预约了一对一咨询,表达了讲座带来的深刻反思和改变意愿。

On 20th May 2023, we hosted a community talk titled "Solving Procrastination Problems and Using Emotional Intelligence Wisely". This was an impactful event tailored for parents in the Chinese community, with participants including a social worker and psychologist Iris H. The event aimed to empower parents with practical communication strategies to enhance their children’s motivation and execution skills.
Key Highlights of the Workshop
1.    Understanding the Power of Words
We explored how positive language and discouraging language create vastly different emotional and motivational experiences for children.
2.    Interactive Demonstrations
o    Using Mario figurines to represent the size of a child’s inner motivation.
o    Representing language with building blocks to demonstrate how different communication styles influence outcomes.
o    Engaging participants in an activity called the "Language Exercise," where parents practiced using positive and visualized language.
3.    The Connection Between Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings
We introduced the relationship between cognition, behavior, and emotions, helping parents better understand how their communication impacts their children’s inner world.
Transformative Takeaways
The event left a profound impact on the participants. One parent was moved to tears, sharing:
"I deeply realized how negative my words had been toward my son. Now I finally know how to improve!"
The attending psychologist, Iris H, was full of praise for the session and even invited Helen to conduct the next workshop. Several parents made follow-up appointments for one-on-one consultations, reflecting on how the session had inspired positive changes in their parenting approach.

